Allow supervision video to move when scrolling
in progress
Jill Umstattd
in progress
Erin Moran
Merged in a post:
Video observation feature in app
Amanda Sumney
When using the video observation feature during supervision, it would be nice if the video box would move as you scroll through the programs. As is stands, the video box remains at the top so when supervisor scrolls to look at another program, the video remains.
Erin Moran
Merged in a post:
Adjustable Video Feed (Supervision)
Jon Hope, MA, MS, CAS
Running supervision requires I scroll down the page to see programs to make adjustments and/or enter notes; however, the video display does not scroll down simultaneously, and I lose observation of the session when scrolling down to access the programs. Could this be adjusted so that the video feed scrolls down simultaneously as we scroll down to review/adjust programs?
Jill Umstattd
Merged in a post:
Video placement during telehealth
Valeria Gass