Under some conditions, our behaviour techs skip some targets on a trial and do not enter data.
For example, if they are working on CAB2 and an R1 behaviour occurs during CAB1, they will enter R1 for the CAB1, not enter any data for CAB2, and then tap "continue to SR."
Another example is when Hi Rasmus is presenting too many challenging trials in a row, the behaviour techs may decide to throw in some easier trials, in which case they enter the data for the easier targets, do not enter data for the challenging targets, and then tap "continue to SR."
We have found that when three trials in a row occur without data, Hi Rasmus will consider the target mastered.
So, in the example where we enter data for FCR, TR, and CAB1 for three trials in a row, but don't enter any data for CAB2, and then tap "continue to SR," Hi Rasmus will mark CAB2 as mastered and open CAB3.