Min opportunities per session (X number of trials)
Krysten Hudson
In the SBT program, my RBTs run 10 trial sessions. They often are presented with 8-9 maintenance trials or 8-9 teaching trials. Or it will do several back-to-back trials of the same CAB branch rather than rotating through them. I would love to be able to adjust the settings so its less a true randomization and so the sessions meet certain perameters. For example, at least 1 trial for each CAB branch, maximum of 6 maintenance trials per 10 trials, etc.
Sophia Garner
YES, I really really need the option to change which branch/CAB is coming up. Its very limiting to have it only choose it for you and its delaying client progress in my opinion. Ive asked for this a bunch of times via email and on here and would love to see it happen, please!
Sophia Garner
Nikolaj Hendriksen Rachel Dowse