Edit session data more easily
Jessica Slaton
Editing activities vs. session data is somewhat confusing in Hi Rasmus 2.0. When you click on a session in the learner's history list, it opens up to show you the data that were collected, but you can only edit the activity or add another activity in this view. The option to edit session data is in a different spot that requires you to close that session view and click somewhere else. An interface where clicking on a session in a learner's history allows you to edit the activity AND edit session data would be helpful.
Jill Umstattd
Merged in a post:
ability to edit past interval during session
Carmellina Stetson
would like to be able to edit (go back) past interval during the session (sometimes staff misses an interval because they are working with the client).
Jill Umstattd
Merged in a post:
Edit Session Data feature during session
Tyler Force
When data is entered incorrectly early in session, it creates more room for error if staff need to wait until the end of session to edit it. In particular if things like intervals get marked incorrectly it can really skew data inaccurately if not caught. It'd be nice if the same "edit session data" feature that shows up after ending a session was available in each program.
Christine Danh
Merged in a post:
Edit Session Data by Programs
Ally Patterson
Currently you can only edit session data within a session, there are instances where session data may need to be removed for a particular technician and it would be easier to be able to do this within the program instead of having to go into each session they ran.
Jill Umstattd
Merged in a post:
Interval Programs
Regan Matlock
Would like the option to be able to input multiple observations (like for frequency programs) for interval program targets. Sometimes staff can miss inputting the data right away and want to go back and add them during the session instead of after the fact
Nikolaj Hendriksen
Thanks for the feedback! What types of data would you typically want to add in that’s not collected during a session?
Hannah Ellis
Nikolaj Hendriksen for example right now i'm taking data on tantrum duration at home for a client. His parent brings in a notebook to our weekly meetings that contains duration data of separate tantrum instances from every day from the week before. It's a hassle going in and starting a different session for every date and time to add that he had a 10 minute tantrum and a 30 minute tantrum on one day. Currently, I am having to open up a new session, edit the date and time on that session, then add the data manually. It would be great if I could just click the program and add the data without having to open, edit session data, edit session time, and close a session.
Nikolaj Hendriksen
Hannah EllisHi Hannah, thanks for the quick reply! I actually think it would be useful to create an ABC program for this. You don't need to require antecedents and consequences but it will allow you to easily report ABC data outside of sessions. You can even invite the parents and they can directly input their observations on their child's profile. Here's information on setting up and reporting: https://help.hirasmus.com/knowledge/abc-data-collection
Hope that's helpful :-)
Hannah Ellis
Nikolaj Hendriksen thank you! I was able to set it up, and i can see it in a session, but I can't figure out how to access it when not in a session. I checked knowledge base for this but I am still confused how to find it!
Hannah Ellis
I actually am also not seeing the icon to click when i start a session!
Nikolaj Hendriksen
Hannah Ellis: Great! Let me just have a team member reach out with more details directly and make sure the knowledge base article is describing things properly!
Suzannah Murray
Nikolaj Hendriksen We are transferring from Thread to HiRasmus, but the bulk data import doesn’t work with the spreadsheet Thread creates. It would be great to just be able to add data points per program data based on date versus creating months of individual sessions data. That would help a lot if we can’t bulk import otherwise.
Hannah Ellis
agreed! I'm working on some parent report goals and it would be so nice to add the data, date and time in bulk as I get the reports weekly
Deanna Kempt
Hannah Ellis I went ahead and created a short video addressing the issue above. I will update our knowledge base to provide you and others a more detailed explanation of our ABC data feature but in the mean time I went ahead and recorded a short video for you to personally review.
Please let me know if you have any trouble viewing or any other questions!
Nikolaj Hendriksen
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Add or delete data outside of sessions.
Jamoncie Sanders
Please add a feature allowing BCBA's to modify data by adding or deleting data from outside of the sessions themselves. I come across this problem most often when sessions are running or when sessions have been completed at the data from RBT's is a little off and a correction is needed. I am not currently able to go in and change this outside of finding the session and if the button is available then I can select it. However, if there is a button added at the target level itself this would eliminate the need/problem of finding sessions to modify.
Nikolaj Hendriksen
Merged in a post:
Add data points directly on graphs
Kirsten Leatherwood